These Rocks...

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


-xLoud bug...
- battery status style "new mode status Bar" not working the battery icon just disappear
-FM and Music player (can) work at the same time (bug from previous versions also)
Revision 8.1
*xloud and bravia engine
* Contact xmp
* DeskClock Semc
* Calender
* Backup and Restore
* Miui Music
* TimeScape
* DigitalClockWidget
* Mms Transparent
* PhotoWidget
* SE Search Widget
* StatusSwitch
* WeatherWidget
* widgetcalendar
* widgetonoff
* XperiaEvents

Status bar center clock

-xLoud always on

Revision 8
- CM 225/229 ya... wakekekeke....
- fix mute
- fix auto brightness 
- fix back button end call 
- add Calender Semc.
- add Widget Calender XMP
- delete some lib
- add ax8mt.ko (Cypress digitizer ready).
- CMPart.
- fix camera
- fix partition

- Connect to PC (FIX HERE)

Revision 8.0 BETA

-Ice Cream Sandwich look.
-Really smooth when scrolling, even with transparent background. It looks like 2D performance is greatly improved. Scrolling complex page in dolphin hd is much better than any other CM7 rom (same as FXP rom).*
-(Not really a Bug) - Font is too small (in some apps it's really, really hard to read text) -you can easily change it
-I tried only one 3D game and there wasn't any problem with it (it was smoother than with froyobread)

-Accelerometer is slow (I think it can be fixed by replacing libsensorservice from GDX)
- End call with back button still not working

Revision 7.5:
-Android version 2.3.7
-Back button ends call (which is broken)
-Some Xperia Mini Pro apps ported
(SMS, Calendar, etc...)
-Added 16-bit color option in Cm settings
-Framework changed to Arc framework (?)

-Speaker too loud, causing music distortion
-end call with back button is not working 
-brightness doesn't work correctly
- there is no widget for walkman
- the messenging program is not smooth

Reveiw: coming up soon.

This change log will be updated if/when new information is provided.
Thanks firdausmbois for information!

Revision 7.4

-More than smooth scrolling 
-Active Launcher running smoothly. 
-Regular Sony Ericsson style
-MIUI Player Extras: Added X-Laud in Sound settings
-Media widget (works fine on the Launcher Pro!) 
-Status Widget (aka. switch widget ) - works fine 

-Automatic brightness is always turned on 
-Can not add a "Media shortcut widget" on Active Launcher, the system says "the widget is already added."

You can read this short review by me.

Revision 7.3

- Nightly CM7 Hero 2.3.5 
- Radio (Xmini).
- SemcDeskClock (Mini).
- Lockscreen Signature text (GDX fitur change in /system/bin/build.prop)
- 3MP Camera
- Timescape (Fusion Mini + Arc resize MDPI)
- Launcher Active/Mini
- Taskbar transparant, clock center.
- and more widget Xmini.

- Radio: If you want to change the volume, lock your phone.
- R-7.1 Wifi fix : change in /system/bin/build.prop
- Media Widget cant load shortcut Video

Original Thread for REVISION 7.3 @ FF blog

Revision 7: 
Some changes in this ROM:
- Remove some unused lib (Normal score is 1100+ without OC and have installed several apk, may be different, because it depends on the wearer)
- Radio (Arc).
- Timer (Eclair).
- SemcDeskClock (Arc).
- I remove the rotation in menu, because still have problems with OC.
- Some themes.
- and more.

BROKEN: WiFi-----> FIX

Original Thread for Revision 7 @ FF blog

WORKING: Everything.

* GSM/SMS/Data(3G, EDGE)
* Wifi (Broken in rev 7 (?) FIX)
* Fixed reboots bug
* Stock audio Recording
* ADB at boot
* Sensors
* OpenGL/3D
* Audio Jack
* Video decoder
* Video playback support for 3rd party apps
* Vibration
* Bluetooth
* Native App2sd
* xRecovery preinstalled
* Usb mass storage
* Audio Mixer
* Camera (3MP)
* Offline charging
* Fake DT support (Thanks to: doixanh)
* Mddi lag fix (Thanks to: doixanh)
* CM Settings performance menu for setting the Sdcard read cache size
(speed improvements for sdcard)
* CM Settings performance menu for CPU Overclocking
* CM Settings display menu for Ultra brightness.
* Back button ends call
* Center clock

To enable MT for Cyprees (for all versions)
There is no ax8mt.ko you have to add one, and change the name into x8gesture.ko...

For Synaptic is already included.

ROM, Revision 8.4: Mediafire
ROM, Revision 8.2: Mediafire
ROM, Revision 8.1: Mediafire
ROM, Revision 8: EmbedUpload
ROM, Revision 7.4.: DepositFiles


  1. any problem using this os reply me soon

  2. really rock.......thanks for ur post........
